Monday, 2 May 2011

Cerridwen - Goddess of Fertility

Cerridwen - Goddess of Fertility
Faber-Castell Watercolour-Pencils “Albrecht Dürer”
watercolour paper 300g/m²

Cerridwen or Cerridwyn is a Celtic Goddess and she is more known in Wales. She tends the cauldron of wisdom, knowledge and divine inspiration. Change and rebirth as well as transformation are all under the control of this powerful Celtic goddess.

Together with Hecate she is the Goddess the most powerful by my side.

A few days ago I suddenly had the picture of her before my inner eye. She standing there and asking for a new drawing of her. She insisted on the birch, the hawk, the rabbit and the white sow. This time she had blue eyes - I see her having either blue, green or amber eyes but always reddish hair.

Cerridwen, my Goddess be
Cerridwen, keeper of fertility
Spread thy hands and offer me,
thy guidance, thy shelter, my destiny.